Thursday, March 18, 2010

the bathroom and we

interesting place....the bathroom.....a place shared by family members.

a place where items are shared but not totally...... every one has a private toothbrush and sometimes a razor....but, we share common things....toothpaste....toilet paper

everyone has a way they like to store or keep these items...

i like my toothpaste container to be neat and wife could give a hoot less.... therefore i cannot use her toothpaste....i must have my own...if i run out of my own tube, i will make a special trip just to buy my own tube.....she says....just use mine..
i would rather not.... thank you.

i am a nut about the toilet paper coming from the top of the roll....she could care less...
i do not care of the paper is not on the roller....she gets all..yak...yak.. if the last user of the last piece of paper...somehow always me...does not put on a new roll...i could care less

....every once in a while when she is the last user...she replaces the roll and always...and i mean always....without fail.....always puts it on so the roll comes from the bottom....not the top as i demand.....i then remove the roll and set it on the sink...she then puts it back on....roll from the bottom...i take it off...i set it on the sink..

this morning this is we have chose to fight about...

the neat thing about marriage is the stupid things you can find to fight about...

these fights are important to the sanity of all marriages......

after all one must keep some pretense of individuality..

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